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December 2023 CKD Insider Newsletter

Welcome to the Chronic Kidney Disease Insider Newsletter. If you are living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis, have had a kidney transplant or are helping care for someone who is, this newsletter was created for you and your family! The content is meant to keep you and/or a family member up to date on the latest information to help you manage your health now and in the near future in consultation with your physician.

In this month’s CKD Insider:


News from Kidney Organizations

AAKP Nurturing the Mind, Body, and Well-being Connection

In this AAKP HealthLine webinar, you will learn about mind-body resources and why these are important to help support your personal growth and well-being.

January 25, 2024

3:00 - 4:00 pm Eastern Time

Jennifer Jones, USMC Veteran & Sara Eve Schaeffer, MBA, MA RD presenting

Register here.


A Quick Summary of 2024 Medicare Changes that Affect People on Dialysis

Home Dialysis Central provides a quick summary of the changes to 2024 medicare and social security updates that can affect you directly including the base rate updates for the ESRD prospective system and the ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) plans under review for 2026 and beyond. Learn more here.


NKF Video Series for Patients with Lupus and Lupus Nephritis

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) has launched a video series in both English and Spanish for patients with Lupus and Lupus Nephritis. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that impacts many organs, including the kidneys. Kidney disease, commonly Lupus Nephritis, is a frequent complication for those with Lupus.

The video series includes four animated short videos (1-3 minutes each) on the following topics: lupus nephritis and the kidneys, diagnosis, lifestyle and wellness, and treatments. 

Learn more here.


Your Fun Tip of the Day!

Keep the Feeling of Love and Harmony With You Every Day!

The holidays can be a fast paced mix of fun and stressful times with family and friends. The best part of this time are the heartwarming moments and connections you make. You might be wishing you could hold onto those feelings throughout the year. Well, you can. One way is to of course make time to meet up with the people you care about more often during the year.

Tip for the year: You can also take a few minutes and focus on your favorite memories and write them down in detail. Create a book of positive memories that you can look back on when you need a boost. Putting these memories in a small book that you can carry with you lets you look at them when you are in dialysis. Keeping notes in your mobile phone is another good alternative. Having easy access to warm feelings of love can help you change your mood into a positive one whenever you need it.


If your looking for help planning your year there are many free courses in January depending on your interests. An example is below.

Tony Robbins

Free 3 day workshop

January 25-27, 2024, 11am-2pm PT DAILY / 2pm-5pm ET DAILY

Learn more and sign up here.


Acute Kidney Injury Test Receives FDA Clearance for Children

What It Is: The ProNephro AKI test received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this month. This is the first biomarker test for identifying acute kidney injury for pediatric use. The test detects neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), a biomarker for acute kidney injury (AKI) that was identified at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.


Why It’s Important: About one-third of children in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units have acute kidney injury. Many of these cases go undiagnosed and untreated because of a lack of sensitive tests for detecting AKI. The ProNephro AKI test received clearance for those aged 3 months to 21 years, meeting the needs of many of these children. 


Learn more here.


Survey & Clinical Study

AAKP flash survey on heart disease, in collaboration with CVRx

CVRx is a medical device company that develops devices for patients with cardiovascular diseases. They are interested in better understanding the challenges of individuals living with heart disease in accessing new treatments. The short survey, which can be found here, is anonymous unless you provide your contact information. Your input will be used by CVRx and AAKP for research purposes only, and responses will remain confidential.


Clinical study for people with APOL-1 mediated kidney disease

The AMPLITUDE clinical study is recruiting patients to test a new drug for APOL1-mediated kidney disease, a type of chronic kidney disease that primarily affects people of African ancestry, including people who identify as African American, Black, Caribbean, Sub-Saharan African, and Latino (Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican or South or Central American).

Learn more and see if you qualify to be a participant here.


For People Not on Dialysis: Recent Study on Inclusion of Healthy Plant-Based Foods Can Slow CKD Progression


A new study involving data from over 3000 patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis found that an overall plant-based diet slowed disease progression. This is consistent with results from previous studies. However, unlike prior studies, this study differentiated between “healthy” and “unhealthy” plant-based foods. They defined healthy plant-based foods as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and tea/coffee, while unhealthy plant foods included fruit juices, sugar-sweetened beverages, refined grains, potatoes, and sweets. When compared to a diet containing more “healthy” plant-based foods, an unhealthy plant-based diet was associated with an elevated risk of CKD progression and all-cause mortality. For those with CKD, nutrition discussions often center around what should be avoided. However, this study highlights the way the addition of high-quality plant products can be used to slow disease progression!


Learn more here


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