Welcome to the Chronic Kidney Disease Newsletter June edition. This newsletter is written for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on dialysis and their caregivers. The content is meant to keep you or a family member up to date on the latest information to help you manage your health now or in the near future in consultation with a physician.
In this month’s CKD Insider: Advocacy in Action Results, Fun Tip of the Day, Research in the news, and the latest mobile application on it's way.
Advocacy in Action Policy Changes that can make a difference
The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) called on Congress to pass the Health Equity and Accountability Act of 2020, comprehensive and broadly supported legislation to address disparities in health care for communities of color- read the full letter here.
The Final rule for Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan options has been issued by CMS & HHS. The changes outlined include allowing access for End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) beneficiaries. The final rule can be read here. The changes go into effect for plan years beginning on or after January 2, 2021.
Prior to the final rule, ASN outlined the importance of allowing people with ESRD to have access to MA plans to improve quality of life; read ASN's comments here.
The House of Representatives have passed a bill ((HB) No. 6803) to help chronic kidney disease patients get broader access to treatment, by providing them the same privileges as persons with a disability, and providing help to dialysis patients in rural areas in particular. You can track the bill’s progress through the legislative process here.
What’s needed in dialysis innovation from the user’s perspective:
Read how Home Dialyzors United is making an impact to address your needs in their Nature Reviews of Nephrology Comment Letter on this topic here.

Fun Tip of the Day!
A breath of fresh air!
If you are missing traveling and being outdoors think back to an incredible trip you took, then go through your pictures. 1. Pick a favorite picture or pictures that transport you back just by looking at it. 2. Blow up the picture(s) to a very large size via an online photo service – they are inexpensive these days and can be mailed to your home or picked up at a pharmacy. 3. Frame it and hang it on your wall. Whenever you are missing your old active outdoor life – take a good long look at one of those pictures and bring yourself back to that time. It can do wonders for your outlook!
Research in the News
Kidney Transplantation not just for the young

What’s the latest: This research study shows that patients older than 75 years who received a kidney from a similarly aged donor remain dialysis-free for the rest of their lives. Why it’s important: If you or someone you know is not giving full consideration to getting a kidney transplant due to their age, understanding that it is possible at a later age to have a successful kidney transplantation is an important part of making this decision.
Kidney transplantation in the extremely elderly from extremely aged deceased donors: a kidney for each age
Predicting kidney disease using artificial intelligence

What’s the latest: KidneyIntelX TM, a new clinical in vitro diagnostic product that uses artificial intelligence to help optimize clinical management of kidney disease and improve patient outcomes by supporting physician decision making has been approved by NY state department of health. The company behind this product, RenalytixAI is planning to complete integration with the NY Mount Sinai Health System and start patient testing in the next few months. It also is being licensed to CLIA commercial laboratories in 47 states and growing. Why it’s important: If you or someone you know has kidney issues that are being monitored, this tool can potentially help your physician make predictive and timely decisions in regards to your care management.
KidneyIntelX™ receives New York State approval to commence commercial testing
KidneyIntelX™ to Predict Major Adverse Kidney Events in COVID-19 Patients
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