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Mental Health Quick Tips to Set You Up for Success

The holiday season can be a happy time filled with love, happiness and joy, but it also can be a stressful time for many. You might be feeling grief for a loved one who is not with you this season or a relationship that has ended. You might be feeling the pressures of getting gifts that people like and not knowing how you will get it all done. If your new to dialysis you might be feeling a loss of control and missing the unrestricted life you once had.

You are not alone no matter what you are feeling. There are thousands of people in the same situation. Remember there are many resources available to help support you. Below is quick review of some tips and resources to help you stay on a positive path this holiday season!


Quick tips to change your negativity to positivity fast!

  1. Take a deep breathe (You can do this even in a crowded room of people).

  2. Change your state mentally. Think about something you are grateful for.

  3. Get up and move your body in whatever way makes you feel like a kid again.

  4. Play music that helps you change your mood and play it loudly!

If you’re:

Angry – Put on some loud music and let your feelings out!

Anxious - Meditate, do breathing excercises to let your mind wander and calm down (you can use apps like Headspace, Calm, Smiling Mind, Gabby or learn how to meditate on your own with Ziva)

Burnt out – Read a good book and get transported to someplace else, or work on a passion project that is completely different than your everyday activities, or take a leisurely walk or drive.

Overthinking – If you have some negative thoughts repeating in your mind, write it out on paper and don’t hold back, get all the thoughts on the paper and out of your head. Alternatively call a trusted friend who will let you vent.

Sad – Sit in it for a bit, then get up and move! Change your state. Help someone else. Look at your happy memories book and remember the good times. More are in store for you!

Stressed – Excercise, get outside and go for a walk, this helps you think and burn off extra energy.

Tired – Take a nap, waking up rejuvenated can change your perspective.


"Catch it, Check it, Change it!" -Jennifer Jones, USMC Ret.

Join kidney support groups to create a sense of community

Learn how to help yourself and your loved ones

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Curate your social media

If you are on social media, make sure to follow people and groups that bring positivity into your life! Below are some suggestions to give you ideas on types of groups to follow.


We all will go through the same types of emotions during our lives, but how we keep a positive mindset is unique to each of us. Hopefully one, all or a combination of the tips and tools above will help you on the journey of life! Please come back to this toolkit when you need it and search for and add new resources to expand your toolkit!

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!


All the best,



Please note these are suggestions and not medical advice, it is always best to speak to a mental health professional about your exact situation.


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